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Recovery after your run is just as important as the training itself. Targeted recovery helps you process the strain of running better. Your performance will improve the next time you run. Current literature indicates that fascia training has a positive influence on the muscle pain occurring after the unit and the associated reduced performance.1 For recovery after sports, don't skip the use of the BLACKROLL®.

In addition to myofascial self-massage techniques, it also makes sense to stretch after running. First, stretching exercises after running have the advantage that they heighten the perception of individual muscle groups. This leads to targeted relaxation. And second, they also provide faster recovery due to increased blood circulation. For optimum recovery after sports, we recommend a combination of rolling and stretching exercises. The focus is on the muscles from feet to buttocks.


Effect: Release tension in the area of the soles of the feet.

Execution: Stand up straight. Place the BLACKROLL® MINI or MINI FLOW under the sole of your foot, after taking your running shoes off. Roll the foot back and forth from ankle to toes. Shift your weight to exert pressure on different areas of the foot (ankle, ball, outside and inside).

Duration: 1-2 minutes per side

Sets: 1

Tip: You can also do this exercise with the BALL 08.


Effect: Release tension in the area of the shin muscles. Prevents shin splints.

Execution: Start on hands and knees (wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips). Your arms should be at a slight angle. Lift your knee from the floor and place the DUOBALL under your shin. Roll slowly from knee to ankle and back. Be sure to exert only as much pressure as you can easily take.

Duration: 1-2 minutes per side

Sets: 1

Tip: Alternatively, you can do this exercise with a BLACKROLL® foam roller..


Effect: Stretches the back of the thigh after running

Execution: Start by lying on your back. Stretch one leg out on the floor. Fasten the SUPER BAND to the sole of your other foot. Stretch the other leg upwards. To increase the intensity of the stretch, you can increase the tension on the band.

Duration: 1-2 minutes per side

Sets: 1

Tip: Move the leg pointing up inward and outward. This will stretch the inside and outside of the thigh. Stretching after running makes sense because it increases blood circulation and can therefore contribute to faster recovery.


Effect: Release tension in the area of the calves. Prevents aching calves and inflammation of the hamstring.

Execution: Sit up straight and support yourself with your hands. Place the BLACKROLL® MINI or MINI FLOW on the smooth side of the BLOCK. Pull one leg into an angle and place the BLOCK and MINI under the calf of the extended leg. Support yourself with your hands next to your buttocks. Lift your buttocks and slowly roll over the calf region in a slow, controlled manner. Move your leg smoothly inward and outward to massage the entire area of the calf.

Duration: 1-2 minutes per side

Sets: 1

Tip: You can also do this exercise with a foam roller, the DUOBALL 08, or a DUOBALL 12.


Effect: Release tension in the area of the front of the thigh. Prevents knee pain.

Execution: Start in the plank position. Place both legs on the BLACKROLL® just above the knee. Slowly roll your thighs out by pushing yourself back and forth over the BLACKROLL®. The movement comes from your arms.

Duration: 2 minutes

Sets: 1

Tip: If you want to increase the pressure even more during this exercise, place just one leg on the roller. Pull the other leg into a 90 degree angle. Twist the leg inward and outward to work the entire thigh.