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Stephan Müller



Stephan Mueller is a nutritionist, sports teacher and physiotherapist. In addition to that he is a personal fitness coach, trainer and nutritionist to numerous world champions, olympic gold medalists, top athletes as well as German first division players in soccer/football, handball and volleyball.

He also is a chairman of the Bundesverband PT e.V. and part of an panel of experts aiding the fitness and health industries. Stephan himself is the owner of the Glucker Kolleg (www.gluckerkolleg.de) and the PT Lounge GmbH (www.ptlounge.com).

"Our core business is in training and coaching of personal fitness coaches, sports teachers and therapists. The topic of fascia has become a main focus of our training sessions over last years and today a workshop without the 'black roll' and our partner BLACKROLL® is unimaginable.

The BLACKROLL® is an ideal tool for personal fitness coaches and therapists alike, as it fits all their needs in treatment and training of patients. We also enjoy the new innovations and creativity of team BLACKROLL®. These new tools in addition to long years of cooperation with the BLACKROLL® AG are a great surplus for ourself and our clients."

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